Professor Qiao Zhizhong of the Faculty of History of Nankai University has won a second prize of the Fourth “China University Presses Book Prizes” for Excellent Academic Publications for his edited book, Classic Readings on the History of Chinese Historiography (Higher Education Press, 2014). This book is a selection of classic articles on the history of Chinese historiography in the twentieth century, to each article of which there is an introduction written by the editor, Professor Qiao Zhizhong. The book, which is of approximately 660,000 Chinese characters, is of great value to undergraduate students in history, postgraduate students in the history of Chinese historiography, as well as scholars of Chinese historiography.
The “China University Presses Book Prizes” are the most distinguished prizes for books published by over one hundred university presses in China. The Prizes are awarded every two years by the Department of Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China and the China University Presses Association.