Prof. Nakao Katsum Gives a Lecture in Nankai University

Date  Feb 27, 2017

On February 21, Prof. Nakao, from College of Arts and Sciences in J. F. Oberlin University, gave a lecture on “Dialogue Between Anthony and History: Using Method of South Manchuria Railways Company Data” in NKU.

Hosted by Dean Jiang Pei, Prof. Nakao introduced his own life experiences and explained the reasons for his study of Chinese rural family. He also shared something interesting that happened during the process of field research. After presenting an original investigation report from  the South Manchuria Railways Company data, he stressed the importance of learning the background of archives, which was the best way to understand and use the relevant information.

 Prof. Nakao’ s presentation helped attendees learn how to use Manchuria data and inspired students to use survey data more carefully and comprehensively.