On April 28, the appointment ceremony of Prof. Wu Weiguo, Dean of the Archaeology Department in Graduate School of Chinese Academy, as Honorary Professor of NKU was held in the Faculty of History. Prof. Wu Guowei gave a lecture on “One Day of Qianlong: The Human Side of Politicians” in NKU.
Based on his own book One Day of Qianlong, Prof. Wu Weiguo used the day January 28, 1765 when Qianlong is 55 years old as a clue to introduce Qianlong’s details of life as a politician by using various valuable archives in the Palace Museum. Political activities are no longer in priority. Prof. Wu tries to reveal the human nature of Qianlong period, which was the most flourishing thirties years in Qing Dynasty.
Prof. Wu Weiguo also answered questions from teachers and students and it led to an extremely interesting discussion, including the necessity and feasibility of environmental history in ancient history studies, and the future development trend of environmental history.