Prof. Guo Haiyan Gives a Lecture in Nankai University

Date  Nov 01, 2017

On September 25, 2017, Prof. Guo Haiyan from the Department of History in the Nihon University, gave a lecture on “British Far East Policy in the Late Qing Dynasty” in Nankai University. Hosted by Prof. Jiang Pei, Dean of the Nankai University, about 20 students and scholars attended the meeting, including Associate Prof. Mao Likun and He Jiangfeng from the Nankai University.

Prof. Guo Haiyan committed to the research on the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. Traditional historical research stressed the importance of the historical background that Great Britain and France contended for Hegemony. Juwen Island incident also played a key role in Britain's Far East policy. However, Prof. Guo Haiyan revealed the complex connections and internal logic behind major historical events. She connected the Sino-French War with the interests of British foreign policy, and the Juwen Island incident actually delayed the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War with the efforts of England who mediated the differences between Japan and China.

Prof. Guo Haiyan’s speech inspired everyone to rethink the international situation of East Asia in the late Qing Dynasty.Her presentation also set a good example of probing into the historical causes and effects through analysis and evaluation of the primary materials.