Department of Chinese History

Date  Oct 22, 2020

The department of History is the matrix and mainstay of the College of History. Based on the two national key programs of Ancient Chinese History and Modem and Contemporary Chinese History, the Department of History focuses on teaching ancient Chinese history and modern and contemporary Chinese history after Department of World History and Department of Cultural Relics and Museology were established at the College of History. It also offers general courses and basic training for all undergraduates and postgraduates at the College of History. Professor Li Zhi’an is the Dean of the Chair of the Department of History. The Department of History is subdivided into Section of Ancient Chinese History, Section of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History, Section of Specialized Histories, and Section of Theory of History and History of Historiography, etc. The Department of History is selected as Ministry of Education’s Center for History Training and Research. There are 20 professors (including 18 doctoral Supervisors), 9 associate professors, 7 lecturers and 28 of them hold a degree of Ph.D.


Section of Ancient Chinese History

Section of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History

Section of Specialized Histories

Section of Theory of History and History of Historiography