Title :Associate Professor
Research Filed :Diplomatic History
E-Mail :luoxuan@nankai.edu.cn

Luo Xuan

He graduated from the Department of History of Nankai University in 1992 and pursued further studies at the Johns Hopkins University-Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies from 1993 to 1994. In 1995, he received a master’s degree in history from the Department of History of Nankai University and then proceeded to work at the Center for International Studies. In 1998, he received a doctorate in history from the Institute of History, Nankai University. At the end of the same year, he went to the University of South Florida in the USA to study international relations and library & information science. In 2001, he returned to China after receiving a master’s degree and began to work at the Research Center for American History and Culture of Nankai University. His research areas include the history of China-U.S. relations, media and U.S. diplomacy, and cyber history.

Email: luoxuan@nankai.edu.cn