Title :Professor
Research Filed :China historiography; Ming-Qing history;Korea history; the Sino-Korean relation history;
E-Mail :sunwgx@126.com

Sun Weiguo

Sun Weiguo, a native of Hengdong City, Hunan Province, studied at the Department of History of Wuhan University, the History Institute and the History Department of Nankai University, and the Division of Humanities of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and received a doctorate in history from Nankai University (1998) and a doctorate in philosophy from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2001). He is currently a professor at the Faculty of History, Nankai University, an executive council member and Vice President of the Chinese Society on North Korean History, and a council member of the Chinese Society on Ming Dynasty History and the Chinese Society of History of Sino-Foreign Relations.


sunwgx@126.com; sunwgx@aliyun.com